Senior Advisor of the International Association for Human Values
International Senior Advisor
International Association for Human Values


Madame Neeru Singh started her career as part of the prestigious Indian Administrative Service as a career civil servant and has extensive International experience. She has worked with the United Nations in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. She has supported development through civil society engagement in Kenya, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Timore Leste and India. She is passionate about her support for social entrepreneurship among women in the developing world. She is on the Board of several companies and international civil society organizations. She conducts corporate leadership and personal development programs. She is currently Senior Advisor of the International Association for Human Values.

Madame Neeru Singh is Honorary Member of RÜNJHAID! Freundeskreis der nordfriesischen Seefahrerinseln Föhr, Amrum, den Halligen, Sylt, der Insel Kos und der Medicinale e.V. and of the MEDICINALE.CLUB