WHAT`S NEXT? “By 2030, for the first time in recorded history, the old will begin to outnumber the young. This demographic shift poses significant social, economic, and health challenges, but also presents an unprecedented opportunity for accelerating research, innovation, and entrepreneurism in the field of Healthy Longevity – thereby building more vibrant societies and economies worldwide.” Source National Academy of Medicine 2023 announcing the global #HealthyLongevityChallenge
You can make the difference. TOGETHER FIRST – it’s about time, now ! LEADERSHIP BEGINS WITH YOU. Join the THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB with your Membership as HEALTH CAPTAIN to make the difference together. Welcome on Board”
At the latest in the face of our ongoing global crisis, we have to completely restructure medicine, health sciences, health industry and the health systems worldwide towards sustainability. It is about human life, the life of our families and friends, our employees and colleagues, the life of those entrusted to us and it is about our life and our nature.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is promoting leadership and society to explore sustainable Medicine and Health to navigate together towards the context and convergence of #HealthLongevity – #BlueZones – #OneHealth
“ONE HEALTH” is built on a simple understanding – that human health, animal health, our nature and our planet are part of a deeply interconnected system. Though #OneHealth will be always a central part for sustainable human health and medicine towards a “360º Next Generation One Health Care System” to create together a sustainable and social next level value-based #OneHealthSocialEconomySystem to save our Health and interconnected Nature on our Planet together.
Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.
Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, President
The concept of One Health is the unity of multiple practices that work together locally, nationally, and globally to help achieve optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. When the people, the animals, and our environment are put together they make up the One Health Triad.
Healthy Longevity means maintaining physical, mental, and social health and well-being as we live longer. By extending the healthspan, people can stay active in their families and communities, remain in the workforce and contribute to the economy, and enjoy fulfilling and productive lives well into their later years.
“One Health” is built on a simple understanding – that human health, animal health and our shared environment are part of a deeply interconnected system. We connect #Health4.0 and the #OneHealth Concept together with the global value-based Healthcare Concept created by Michael Porter et al at Harvard Business School to deliver Value for the individual Patient and as value-based strategy towards #OneHealth by empowering Leadership for exploring sustainable Health. Navigating towards One Health together:
“We will be only save on our planet if everybody is saved – humans, animals and our nature”
“Healthy Longevity” is based on the fact that “Aging” is the greatest risk factor for disease. Targeting Aging is 21st Century Medicine. Slowing aging slows the progression of multiple age-associated diseases and targeting aging is more effective than curing disease. Healthy Longevity Medicine is focused on expanding the Healthspan as high functioning period of life (e.g. free from disease and disability) based on the knowledge on the Biology of Aging (Hallmarks of Aging). Modifying aging biology is more effective than reactive disease care and is the extract of exploring sustainable Medicine.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is focused on Strategy Studies and the Business Development of Healthy Longevity, Blue Zone Community and One Health Business. #HealthLongevity – #BlueZoneCommunities – #OneHealth starts with access to more knowledge we provide on the LinkedIn-Page of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE and find out more about Blue Zone Community Building for Healthy Longevity on the Homepage of BLUE ZONES.
#HealthyLongevity #Overview
#value-basedHealthcare – Professor Michael Porter
“Navigating Smart Medicine for sustainable Health”
The European Health Summit Heidelberg April 13-15, 2024 powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB HEIDELBERG FORUM with focus on “The European Perspective” is the third European Health Summit in Heidelberg: “360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE – Navigating Smart Health powered by Smart Healthcare Business” – view the Speakers and Chairs of 2022 and 2023. Your Input is welcome. Become a Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 100 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
The Health Captain Days on Föhr Island May 9-11, 2024 in the North Sea at Europe`s Westcoast are since 21 Years the founding format and was 2020 the starting point to built THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB with the outbreak of #COVID19 with the spirit “FROM ISLAND-CENTERED TOWARDS WORLD-CENTERED”. The central focus of The Health Captain Days is on value-based Leadership for Innovation and sustainable Medicine towards 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE to empower our Board of Young Leaders and Young Talents. Building THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE for 360º Next Generation Leadership in Europe and beyond together.
Become a Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
The Health Entrepreneur Day on Amrum Island May 12th, 2024 with a call for action to on-board “Dynamic Entrepreneurs“, “Pioneering Entrepreneurs“, and from Science Excellence towards Start-Up-Excellence: “Innovation Entrepreneurs” and “Platform- and Alliance-System Entrepreneurs“ and more. Your Input is welcome: “FROM ISLAND-CENTERED TOWARDS WORLD-CENTERED” for 360º Next Generation Health Entrepreneurship to empower our Board of Young Leaders and Young Talents.
Become a Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
The Health Foundations Day on Sylt Island May 12-13, 2024 and is a call for action for VALUE-BASED INNOVATIONS TOWARDS PATIENTS BENEFIT: The Health Foundation Day is a sustainability initiative for a closer link between the profit, non-profit and science sectors in the health industry, which focuses on patients outcome benefit and helps all those responsible to interact in new “silo-free” forms of collaboration based on the same goals (e.g. Value-based Healthcare & Precision Medicine & Sustainability). Your Input is welcome: “FROM ISLAND-CENTERED TOWARDS WORLD-CENTERED” creating more Public-Private-Philanthropic-Partnerships = “4P”-Breakthrough-Alliances “from bench to bedside and bedside to bench”.
Become a Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS BERLIN FORUM “The International Perspective” October 11-12, 2024 is focused on all perspectives towards the “Super-Convergence” developed by Eric Topol with the Horizon of 360-Degree value-based Innovations for Medicine 4.0 & Care 4.0 by scaling creative minds to transform the current healthcare models to a more sustainable & value-based ecosystem serving all stakeholders and improving healthcare accessibility: THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB focus therefore on „Value for the Patient“.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS BERLIN FORUM orchestrates the first UNIVERSITY & ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER Leadership Summit Oct 11-12, 2024 for >250 UMC´s & AMC´s in Europe and many more beyond placed just the days before the World Health Summit Oct 13-15, 2024 in Berlin we recommend UMC & AMC Leadership also to join. The UMC/AMC Leadership Summit is limited to 150 Participants. Overview @ www.medicinale.berlin
Become a Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
February 21th – THE BIIKE DAY
February 21th is since centuries the traditional Biike-Day in North Frisia and the arrival day of our international speakers & guests for our HEALTHY LONGEVITY, BLUE ZONE COMMUNITY AND ONE HEALTH SYMPOSIUM on February 22th on the Captains Island Föhr powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and THE HEALTH CAPTAINS INSTITUTE.
North Frisia is a part of the German state Schleswig-Holstein, it is located in the Northwest on the Northern Sea, it includes the Seafaring Islands Föhr, Amrum and Sylt.
Maybe some of you have ancestors from North Frisia. The North Frisian emigration overseas began in the early 17th century. During that time sea men from the region travelled on Dutch vessels to New Amsterdam, what we know today as New York City. During the 19th century mass migration began from North Frisia. Today there is hardly a native family in the region that has no relatives or ancestors somewhere overseas.
Become a Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
“Dunbar Number 150 & Tipping Point Number 150 powered by the Medici-Effect”
“Navigating and Bridging successful Solutions between Health Sciences Clusters”
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB HEALTHApéros BERLIN are empowered by the THCC Members of the Berlin-NY Chapter and we meet as a “silo free” multi professional Brainpool with the input of two Keynotespeakers (Senior with Junior in Dialogue) since 2020 @ INTERNATIONAL CLUB BERLIN – with max. 150 Participants. All THCC Members are CO-Hosts and can invite their own guests based on our Capacity. You are welcome to join. Your Input is welcome.
Become a Keynote-Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB inaugurated during the “Gesundheitswirtschaftskongress September 20-21, 2022” in Hamburg the THCC EU-US Westcoast Twin Chapter and organized the HEALTHApéro HAMBURG “I” together with the Hanseatic Health Talks @ the Anglo-German Club to reflect form the North European and Westcoast EU & US Perspective towards “360º NEXT GENRATION HEALTHCARE” – with max. 150 Participants. All THCC Members are CO-Hosts and can invite their own guests based on our Capacity. You are welcome to join. Starting 2024 we organize the next HEALTHApéro HAMBURG “III”. Your Input is welcome.
Become a Keynote-Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB BERLIN-NY CHAPTER organizes the New York HEALTHLuncheon “I” starting 2023 with Keynote and international Guests for transatlantic bridging towards your participation @ HEIDELBERG FORUM April 14-16, 2024 – the European Health Summit Heidelberg – and BERLIN FORUM Oct 11-12, 2024 as the THCC UNIVERSITY & ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER Leadership Summit Berlin. Also you get introduced towards the World Health Summit Berlin Oct 13-15, 2024 we recommend to join as HEALTH CAPTAIN because of the global WHS impact. Additionally you get an transatlantic introduction towards our open welcome culture @ HEALTHApéros in Berlin, Munich, Frankfort, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Zürich and more to come to connect with the German Healthcare and Health Industry. All THCC Members are CO-Hosts and can invite their own guests based on our Capacity. Your Input is welcome.
360º Next Generation Healthcare Luncheon
Become a Keynote-Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB MUNICH-BRUSSELS CHAPTER invites for the 7. Munich HEALTHApéro with Keynote and Guests @ Café Roma Munich Maximilianstrasse, February 21th, 2024 starting 7pm.
“The Bavarian versus the European Perspective towards 360º Next Generation Healthcare”
HEALTHApéro Munich “VII” will focus on the multiple levels of sustainability in Medicine and Healthcare. How to navigate us towards HealthyLongevity for All together?
Become a Keynote-Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants. Members & Speakers first.
Please read more to register online.
The word “biike” means fire signal. February 21th is since centuries the traditional Biike-Day in North Frisia. A world cultural heritage in the middle of the World Nature Heritage Waddensea.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB takes this tradition like ignite together a yearly Medical Olympic Health Captains Fire to empower us together emotionally for more sustainability for HEALTH 4.0 and finally towards ONE HEALTH. At the local THCC New Year Receptions powered by the THCC-Twin-Chapters we welcome new Members and Guests and you get input on the multi-levels of sustainability for One Health by Keynotes to empower us together once a year.
Please read more to join an existing or to built a new Twin-Chapter-Ecosystem with your community to bridge and scale successful solutions between Health Sciences Clusters of Metropolregions.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is scaling his THCC-Twin-Chapter System from >5 towards >50 to connect and to synchronize the Leadership of >100 Health Sciences Clusters worldwide. Your Leadership and Input is welcome.
February 21th is since centuries the traditional Biike-Day in North Frisia and we take this fire to empower us for our SUSTAINABILITY & ONE HEALTH SYMPOSIUM on February 2oth-22th, 2023 on the green seafaring island Föhr in North Frisia.
North Frisia is a part of the German state Schleswig-Holstein, it is located in the Northwest on the Northern Sea, it includes the Seafaring Islands Föhr, Amrum and Sylt being in the middle of the world heritage Waddensea.
The Founder of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB initiates Feb 20-22, 2023 a yearly #FEB21-Biike-Symposium as Brainpool for Health Captains, Families, Friends & Colleagues on the Captains Island Föhr to reflect and act together to promote that Sustainability for Health should be translated towards: “One Health is a responsibility of the entire society and within society a Leadership Responsibility which cannot be delegated” by creating a meeting point you are always welcome to join.
Become a Keynote-Speaker, Chair or CO-Host. Please contact the President`s Office. Max. 150 Partizipants.
Overview @ www.blanquet.de
Please read more to register online.
„At the latest in the face of the global corona pandemic, we have to completely restructure medicine, health sciences, health industry and the health systems worldwide towards sustainability. It is about human life, the life of our families and friends, our employees and colleagues, the life of those entrusted to us and it is about our life and our nature. Join the THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB with your input to synchronize action plans and strategies to accelerate the scaling and implementation of sustainable solutions and results. TOGETHER FIRST – from bench to bedside and from bedside to bench – it’s about time, now !“