“We all are facing globally the same problems – it is not different – the Future of Health can only be solved together in Alliance-Ecosystems for sustainable Medicine, Care and Health. The many regional, national, international Initiatives towards the Future of Health have to be synchronized to become scaleable to be accessible for all.”
To meet in Person THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB HEALTHApéros started first 2020 with the HEALTHApéro Berlin “I” at the INTERNATIONAL CLUB BERLIN – followed by HEALTHApéros in Munich (since 2021), Frankfurt (since 2023), Düsseldorf (since 2022), Hamburg (since 2022), Dubai (2023) … and more to come. As HEALTH CAPTAINS we take action together to grow from now >5 towards >50 THCC Twin-Chapter to synchronize an to be united for the Transformation towards sustainable Medicine and Health.
The Chapter-Chairs are organizing with the support of their Twin-Town-CORE-Teams and the additional support of the Club Office two to three times a year an THCC HEALTHApéro according to a standardized COOKBOOK with always to start with a Senior and Junior Keynote to integrate the Next Generations as early as possible. THCC HEALTHApéros are limited towards max. 150 Paricipants and all THCC Members can as CO-Hosts invite their Guests within the available space capacities.
New THCC Twin-Chapters are inaugurated by an first local HEALTHApéro.
Nothing can replace our personal encounter – looking forward to meet you in Person. More @ HEALTHCAPTAINS.events
Beside the SYNAPTING of HEALTH CAPTAINS we work as THCC ALLIANCE together with Partnerclubs to scale 360º Creative and Innovative Minds of all Generations and Professions together and additionally THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB re-invents the classic SALONS for “Mental, Emotional and Social Healthy Longevity” TOGETHERNESS you are welcome to join as Member: “Be your own Health Captain”.
Clubs of Cos
and the Partner Clubs are in their togetherness all “Clubs of Cos” respecting the Heritage of HIPPOCRATES OF KOS to reinvent the historic Medical School of Hippocrates on Kos Island by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE Leadership Academy System for ONE HEALTH. The aim of the Partner Club Network is to support and to interact with the International Hippocratic Foundation on Cos Island in Greece in a synchronized manner to create based on international Think-Tanks a new Value-Framework for ONE HEALTH and a multi-professional, multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder update of the Hippocratic Oath for VALUE-BASED ONE HEALTH BUSINESS AND SCIENCES – please join our “Club of Cos Alliance for One Health” founded by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB.
HEALTH! is a responsibility of society as a whole – according to futurologist Leo A. Nefiodow, health is becoming a driving force for the economy. indicators suggest that the sixth long cycle – „The Sixth Kondratieff“ – will be health in a holistic sense – physical, mental, spiritual, envi- ronmental & social – „this new health“ will be the bearer of a long period of prosperity in the 21st century and is powered by the new molecular and digital technologies in medicine:
The driving force of The Health Captains Think-Tank and Network since 2003 is therefore to navigate this „digital-molecular transformation of medicine“ towards value-based 360º NEXT GENERATION HEALTHCARE.
Club Corbeaux
The Club Corbeau is an international non-profit association of Belgium law and based in Brussels for over 20 years. It represents a network of persons and organisations advocating for a better integration within Europe. The Club Corbeau is a membership driven organisation.
We are a network of actors working in the field of health care and social economy, striving for a stronger cohesion and cooperation in Europe particularly in the social, health, education, and economic areas. We campaign for social answers and solutions and promote a holistic view on Europe.
We provide independent platforms for forward looking thinking and exchange between main actors and experts from the fields and decision-making persons from EU-institutions and representing bodies of civil society in Brussels.
We influence policies, build capacities, and facilitate mutual learning and understanding.
The Club Corbeaux`s activities serve the purpose of the association, such as
Organisation of various events and workshops on policy and practice in Brussels
Organisation of dialogues and exchange platforms on forward looking issues and solutions in Brussels
Monitoring and communication on policy development at a National and a European level
Support interest groups and partnerships between members
Development of initiatives and projects promoting social cohesion and cultural understanding
“The european future must aim towards a European Union, which is more sovereign and united, more democratic and subsidiary, and protects and benefits people and businesses.” Alois G. Steidel, President (*1960 †2022)
Club Corbeau IASBL
Rue de la Pacification 67
1000 Brussels
Register number: 0468.830.296
Club der Gesundheitswirtschaft
The German Health Industry Club (cdgw) has established itself as a strong and recognized forum for the German healthcare industry. It was founded in 2007. As an attractive and top-class business club, it offers its members a confidential platform for getting to know each other and for professional exchange across sector boundaries.
Network for managers
The German Health Industry Club (cdgw) sees itself as a network for executives of the health industry, which is growing ever closer together. The cdgw also wants to hear the concerns of the healthcare industry with a strong voice.
The club currently has more than 90 clinics, clinic groups and companies with a total of around 160 decision-makers. The club is non-partisan and independent. Its activities are financed exclusively from the membership fees.
Attractive club life
Club life is cultivated with five different events each year. These include a specialist workshop, a festive gala, a weekend of seminars with (spouse) partners, the competition and the awarding of the prestigious Future Prize in Healthcare Management, as well as the traditional cooperation event with Georg Thieme Verlag, which publishes the leading health management magazine kma. The Georg Thieme Verlag presents the Thieme Award as part of a cdgw evening. The manager of the year and the whiz of the year in the healthcare industry are honored. Kma is also a media partner of the cdgw future prize.
Members can also invite business partners to selected meetings of the cdgw. The Presidium is also specifically interested in external experts for the club to promote the exchange.
Together with the Senate of the Economy, the cdgw founded the future-oriented future institute of health management in order to also make a contribution to the health care of tomorrow in the field of science and research: www.zukunftsinstitut-gesundheitswirtschaft.de
Membership in the club is generally made through an appointment by the cdgw presidium.