Dr. Jochen A. Werner
Professor Dr. med.
Medical Director and CEO University Medicine Essen – Inventor of Smart Hospital
University Medicine Essen
Dr. Jochen A. Werner – Medical Director and CEO University Medicine Essen – Inventor of Smart Hospital
Professor Dr. Jochen A. Werner studied medicine at the University of Kiel, Germany. In 1987 he did his doctorate and started working as doctor and scientist of the Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology of the University Hospital of Kiel. In 1998 Dr.Werner became Professor and Chairman of the Department Oto-Rhino-Laryngology of the University of Marburg. Werner was also Dean of Medical Education from 2004 to 2006. Since 2011 to 2015, Dr. Werner became Medical Director of the University Hospital of Gießen and Marburg, Germany (UKGM GmbH). Since 2015 in his function as Medical Director and CEO, Werner has dedicated himself to the digitization of medicine and set the University Medicine Essen on its way to becoming a Smart Hospital.